2 min read


Discover who is behind Multimold innovative solutions. Joanneum Research is a leader in Europe in finding solutions and technologies for business and industry across a broad range of sectors and carries out world-class research.

Joanneum Research develops solutions and technologies for business and industry across a broad range of sectors and carries out world-class research. We have over 500 employees at six locations. Working in cooperation with the provinces of Styria, Carinthia and Burgenland we have built up a strong, highly innovative research hub extending across southern Austria. We are closely integrated into various international research networks and partnerships, and our international focus guides all of the company’s activities.

At MATERIALS institute we provide solutions forthe entire value chain from the idea to the prototype, through miniaturisation,integration and material optimisation: large-area micro and nanostructures, bioand chemo sensors, light technologies, functionalised surfaces and laser processes


The MULTIMOLD (Multi-functional In-MouldElectronics) project aims at developing an innovative manufacturing process fordurable, recyclable and multifunctional electronic products based on theprinciple of "circularity by design".

As part of the project, the experts at JoanneumResearch MATERIALS in Weiz will investigate the integration of PyzoFlex® sensors in in-mold electronics components. PyzoFlex® is a fully printed sensor technology based on a printable polymer ink.

The transducer is manufactured using a screen printing process, which enables printing of customized sensors of specific shape and size on a variety of substrates including plastic film, paper, glass and metal. Our ferro electric sensor ink allows a system to detect changes in temperature (∆T; pyroelectric), pressure (∆P; piezoelectric) as well as structure born sound (Hz; vibration). This technology was already tested as a 3D-shaped touch button. This technology provides a force sensitive touch enabling the reliable interaction with glovesin wet, dirty or even underwater conditions.

JOANNEUM RESEARCH – Member of the project

Dr. Jonas Groten studied physics andenvironmental systems science at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz. After hisdoctorate in the field of surfaces with customized wetting properties at theUniversity of Freiburg and a postdoc at the KIT Karlsruhe, he has been workingat JOANNEUM RESEARCH since 2016 in the field of printed electronics on flexibleand stretchable substrates. R&D topics include the development ofstretchable conductive materials, printable piezoelectric sensors,piezoelectric energy harvesting, as well as the integration of electronics intosmart and 3D shaped surfaces

A lot of obstacles hindered the market introduction of In-mold electronics sofar. In the MULTIMOLD project we will combine the partners and technologies to overcome these obstacles, and I am curious to see our first demonstrators showing-up with appealing design and functionalities, being cheap and recyclable at the same time“ - Jonas Groten, MULTIMOLD project coordinator

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